Essays Online (Selected)

Trees Are Complicated: H.D. Casts a Spell,” London Review of Books 45:3, 2 February 2023

Prejudice Rules,” on the overturning of Roe v. Wade, London Review of Books 44:14, 21 July 2022

Under and Over,” on Emily Dickinson and pandemic distances, FSG “Works in Progress,” April 2021

This Is Not an Essay on Poetry of the Past Twenty Years,” Public Books, 5 October 2020 

A Conversation That Took the Place, Provisionally, of a Poem” (A short play), with Laura M. Slatkin, Wallace Stevens Journal 44:1 (2020), 67-71

Projects, Poetries, Choratopes: On Anne Boyer, Bhanu Kapil, and Juliana Spahr,” Los Angeles Review of Books, 5 June 2016

Seven Poets on the Verge,” Vela Magazine, 23 March 2016; also featured on The Poetry Foundation

Review of Anne Boyer, Garments Against Women (Ahsahta Press, 2015), New York Times Sunday Book Review, 27 December 2015

Notes on Florence: a Gathering of Flowers—I Fiori,” Grey Magazine, Summer 2015, 126-136, online 1 October 2016

Murder Ballads, Narcocorridos, and Border Songs: On Writing “Debatable Land,’” FSG “Works in Progress,” July 2014

It Chooses You: Notes on Romantic Resonance,” FSG “Works in Progress,” May 2014

“On Lorca’s Poet in New York,” FSG “Works in Progress,” 18 April 2013 

Thoughts and Divagations,” on listening to W. C. Williams, William Bronk, Fanny Howe, & Dorothea Lasky,” Catalyst: A Comparative Listening Series, Harvard University Poetry Room, Spring 2013

My Marianne Moore,” Poetry, May 2012

My H. D.,” Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 2012

Why I Write,” Publishers Weekly, 23 March 2012

Review, Poems for the Millennium (3): The University of California Book of Romantic and Postromantic Poetry, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey C. Robinson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009), Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net no. 57-58 (February-May 2010), online March 2012 

Interview with Susan Howe, The Art of Poetry 97, The Paris Review 203, Winter 2012 

British Romanticism Unbound: Reading The Reading Nation by William St Clair,” Critique (Paris), Special Issue on Romanticism, June 2009; long version in Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net no. 57-58 (February-May 2010), published online May 2011

On Rachel Zucker, Museum of Accidents (Wave Books), Critical Mass, blog of the National Book Critics Circle, posted 16 Feb. 2010

On Louise Glück, A Village Life (FSG), Critical Mass, blog of the National Book Critics Circle Directors’ Board,posted 11 Feb. 2010

Response to “Some Darker Bouquets,” On the state of contemporary poetry criticism, Mayday 1, Spring 2009

Song and Silence: My Fanny Howe,” Boston Review, March/April 2009 

Twisting and Turning: A Divagation on the Poetic Turn,” American Poet 26, April 2009, online at, The Academy of American Poets 

“Emily Dickinson: post-9/11 poet?,” Boston Review, May/June 2008

On Michael O’Brien, Sleeping and Waking: poems (Flood), Critical Mass, NBCC, posted 28 February 2008

In Retrospect:  On John Ashbery’s Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror,” Critical Mass, NBCC Directors’ blog, posted 23 September 2008

The Crucible: Sex Education in the United States,” Boston Review, feature essay, January/February 2007

Fall Books, roundup of 18 new poetry titles for The Poetry Foundation, posted 18 October 2006

Underworlds,” Review of Louise Glück, Averno, The Washington Post Book World, 2 July 2006

Review of Lucie Brock-Broido, Trouble in Mind (poems), The New York Times Book Review, February 29, 2004

Review of August Kleinzahler, The Strange Hours Travelers Keep (poems), The New York Times Book Review, February 22, 2004

Review of James McCourt, Queer Street, The New York Times Book Review, December 14, 2003

Review of Henri Cole, Middle Earth (poems), The New York Times Book Review, April 27, 2003

City Poems: Ten Weeks with the East Harlem Poetry Project,” Boston Review feature essay, April/May 2003